Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easy-Does-It Diet - Do-it-Yourself Frozen Diet Meals.

From: Jonni Good
Date: var mydate=new Date()var year=mydate.getYear()if (year "+dayarray[day]+", "+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+"")

Dear Fellow Dieter,

I'm going to go ahead and admit it - I kind of like the diet meals that you find in the supermarket.

You know the kind - they're in the freezer case and have pretty pictures of the tiny meals you'll find inside the little cardboard box.

It's easy to throw one in the microwave, and you know exactly how many calories you're getting, every time.

In fact, when I'm dieting, I just about have to use pre-portioned meals at work - because if I don't I'll end up at the local lunch counter, ordering something that is way too expensive, and much too fattening.

When I look around the lunchroom at work, I can see that at least half the women, (and many of the men), are eating out of those familiar packages.

Millions of people eat those frozen meals, and the companies that make them are piling up a fortune. I'm sure that you've bought a few of them, yourself.

But you know what? I don't buy those diet meals any more.

I still take a pre-portioned, microwave-able meal to work, so I'm not tempted to eat something that isn't on my diet.

But I don't stand in front of the freezer case at the grocery store any more, trying to find some diet meals that happens to be on sale.

When I need to watch my calories, my meals still include lots of veggies, something the supermarket brands often leave out - so I'm satisfied when my lunch is over, and I'm not tempted to make a stop at the candy machine on my way back to my desk.

Sometimes I add a delicious fruit smoothie I bring from home - or I have a whole-meal salad instead of a hot lunch.

For me, natural weight loss is more important that fast or quick weight loss - I want my diet food to be healthy, too.

My secret? I cook once every two or three weeks, and fill my freezer with delicious diet meals that are actually more nutritious, more flavorful, and more enjoyable than the national brands.

I make sure there's always a nice variety, so I don't get bored and use it as an excuse to "cheat."

And I make sure that I'm following the suggestions of some of the nation's top nutritional experts, so I know I'm getting the vitamins and fiber that everyone needs to lose weight and stay healthy.

And I show you exactly how to do it, in my book The Easy-Does-It Diet.

Yes. On a recent Saturday afternoon I cooked an entire freezer-full of healthy Easy-Does-It frozen meals, in just a few hours. Here’s what they cost, along with the cost of similar commercial meals:

Healthy Choice® Sweet and Sour Chicken..........
Easy-Does-It Sweet and Sour Chicken.................
Healthy Choice® Country Herb Chicken.............
Easy-Does-It Country Herb Chicken...................
Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine® Chicken & Vegetables
Easy-Does-It Chicken & Vegetables.....................
Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine® Honey Roasted Pork
Easy-Does-It Honey Roasted Pork.......................

The estimates for my costs tend to be a little high, because I’m not sure how much a teaspoon of mustard or two tablespoons of soy sauce really costs. “Not much” seems like the right answer, but calculators don’t know what to do with that kind of number.

So, how much does it cost to fill your freezer with your own frozen meals?

Using only four recipes, and spending only about 2 ½ hours total, I filled my freezer with 27 meals, (enough for 5 ½ weeks-worth of lunches at the office!) for only $29.22. The same number of mass-produced meals would have cost $88.23!

Frankly, when I first added up these numbers, I couldn’t believe I’d done it right, so I ran it through the calculator several more times.

Note: I recently revised The Easy-Does-It Diet ebook and added many more recipes. You can find a full list of recipes in the current edition here.

If people are actually buying those mass-produced diet meals (and I know millions of people do) then no wonder so many folks think that diets are expensive. That all changes with the Easy-Does-It Diet.

The store brands have to cost more, because the companies have to pay for expensive "branding," advertising, shelf space fees, packaging, and distribution. And none of those expensive "extra" costs taste good, or help you lose weight!

I'll let you decide:

I checked the ingredients list for Stouffer’s Lean Cuisine® Honey Roasted Pork with Roasted Gold Potatoes. Here’s what’s in this product:

Roasted potatoes, water, seasoned cooked pork product (pork, water, coating), dehydrated honey (sugar, honey), maltodextrin, partially hydrogenated cottonseed and soybean oil, modified food starch, dehydrated garlic, salt, fructose, corn syrup solids, dehydrated flavor (nonfat dry milk, gum Arabic), wheat soybeans, why protein concentrate, salt, flavor (canola oil, natural flavors), onion juice, potassium chloride, dextrose, honey flavor (honey, ethyl alcohol, water, propylene glycol, flavor), lemon juice powder (maltodextrin, lemon juice concentrate, lemon oil, natural flavorings), carrots, red peppers, honey, soy sauce (water, wheat, soybeans, salt, lactic acid), modified cornstarch, butter, roasted garlic concentrate (garlic, salt, natural flavoring, sesame oil, canola oil and citric acid), onions, bleached enriched wheat flour (wheat flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), garlic puree, salt, flavoring (maltodextrin, yeast extract, cultured whey, flavor, and salt), spices, potassium chloride, caramel coloring, erythorbic acid, sugar, carrageenan with dextrose.

Wow…You probably wouldn’t cook a meal yourself that contained “erythorbic acid”. (What is erythorbic acid, anyway?)

After reading that long list, you’ll be curious about the ingredients in your own frozen diet meals. Believe me, it’s easier to read.

Here’s the ingredients list for cooking your own honey-roasted pork diet meal, using the national labeling standard that requires the major ingredients to be listed first:

red potatoes
soy sauce
prepared mustard.

That sounds a little more appetizing, doesn’t it?

I received so many requests for help from people who wanted to know exactly how I did it, that I went ahead and wrote a book - it's called The Easy-Does-It Diet, and it's available for instant download from this web page.

Some people use my step-by-step instructions to create their own meals when they really need to lose lots of weight, and they don't want to be tempted by fattening, expensive restaurant food or vending machines at work.

And other people cook up a batch of diet meals when they notice the scales have sneaked up a pound or two, and they want to watch their calories a little more carefully for a few weeks.

Whether they need to lose a little or a lot, they're now doing it the easy way. And they're eating great food while actually saving money!

1. You spend a few hours this weekend filling your freezer with frozen meals that you make yourself, using simple guidelines.

2. You make sure your 'fridge is always stocked with fresh salad greens.

3. Then you follow the simple menu plan, which is always the same, every single day.

The plan stays the same, but the food changes - because you put a wholesome variety of prepared meals in the freezer, waiting for you to grab one on the way to work.

You toss your meal in the microwave, eat your salad, add fruit for desert - and watch the pounds melt away.

That's fine, because you have another meal waiting for you in the freezer. Build a creative, delicious salad, microwave your meal, and add a wonderfully flavorful fruit smoothie for desert.

Then go do something fun for a change, instead of washing pots and pans.

The Easy-Does-It Diet is do-it-yourself diet food that works, because your portion sizes don't depend on your mood.

You just put your "responsible, healthy self" in charge for two or three hours on the weekend, while you create delicious diet meals for the freezer, using the simple guidelines in the Easy-Does-It Diet.

Begin with 18 complete Easy-Does-It frozen meals from my simple recipes. They're simple, but tasty - you may have to hide them from the kids... Using my easy-to-use guidelines, you can create hundreds of combinations, so you'll never have to be bored.Then learn to adapt almost any favorite family recipe so you can make literally thousands of different varieties of pre-cooked meals for your lunch and dinner - meals you'll love to eat.Learn how to adapt the Easy-Does-It Diet meals if you're on a special nutritional program because of personal health issues.Learn what you can eat as snacks so that you won't be tempted by the candy machine.Learn what foods actually reduce your cravings for sweet and fattening food.Learn what foods the experts recommend that you eat at every meal if you want to lose weight and stay thin. In fact, many experts say "the more of these foods you eat, the more you lose!" Learn what you can eat -and should eat - for desert every day.Learn how to put a nice variety of complete meals in the freezer to last two or three weeks, in just a few hours this weekend. Create your meals when you aren't hungry, clean up just once, and pay yourself for a few hours of your time.Learn how to spend less money on your diet food than you may spend now on your normal food budget - and get far more nutrition for every dollar you spend. You'll discover that some of the most nutritious food available is also the least expensive, the most delicious, and the easiest to prepare!Learn how to 'regulate' your own weight loss plan - what foods to leave out first if you aren't losing weight fast enough, and what foods to eat more of if you lose weight too quickly, or if you feel hungry. You'll be learning to take control, so you won't ever have to gain weight again!

To follow the plan you’ll need to buy some inexpensive plastic containers in three or four different sizes, and you’ll need to have access to a microwave.

You’ll also need a few hours every month when you’ll create your own delicious pre-packaged diet meals.

After that, it’s Easy-Does-It!

The diet meal recipes in my book use the ideas for using highly-nutitious food to build a diet that works. This simple, easy to follow eating plan took several years of experimentation and creativity, and resulted in the program I now personally follow.

Now, admittedly, your favorite recipe might not be in the cookbook. After all, I've never had the pleasure of eating at your house, so I don't know what meals you especially like to eat.

But that's okay, because you can adapt the instructions in the book to any diet. Once you get the hang of it (that's easy) you then use the system to create your own delicious, home cooked favorites.

It's easy. No complicated tables, no formulas to learn, no calories to count, no special foods to buy. Otherwise, I would need to change the title of the book to The Complicated Diet That Requires a Lot of Reading and Math.

It contains all the foods that people normally eat, with a few simple exceptions. This diet emphasizes the things you can eat, not the things you should avoid.

It's flexible. We all have different traditions, and cookie-cutter diets don't fit most people. Nobody's 'average'. Using some simple guidelines, this diet can be altered so you can tailor it to your own tastes and dietary needs.

There's plenty of food. Feeling deprived is not conducive to good health, mentally or physically. While moderation is important, (and we sometimes need to tell ourselves “no”), you should always know that you’re getting enough food to satisfy your hunger. If you follow the guidelines in this plan, you'll have plenty of food on your plate.

It's nutritious. That means that all food groups are represented, with nothing left out. The food contains more vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients than the ‘normal’ American diet contains, and it has far more fiber. These nutrients and fiber will help to wash the fat out of your body, and may help strengthen your immune system.

It's self-regulating. It's easy to know how to change the diet in order to fit with your own personal needs. Some people work harder than others, and need more food. Some people need less. There are some weeks when you get more exercise and need more food. There are even times when you have less to do, or when your job requires a lot of sitting around, and you'll need to eat less. Using my simple suggestions, you'll change your diet to fit your daily needs.

It's easy. Oh, did I say that already?

The Easy-Does-It Diet is available for instant download to your computer, and costs just $14.95.

I haven't changed the price since I first wrote it, almost 6 years ago. I should, probably, but this book is all about eating good while saving money, so I'll leave the price where it is for a while longer.

You can save three or four times the cost of the book simply by using it to cook up your first batch of delicious, home cooked diet meals.

And I’ve made your investment risk-free with an 8 week, no questions asked, guarantee. That means you have my personal promise that you will get the value you expect when you download your book, or your money will be promptly returned.

You get instant access to my ebook "The Easy-Does-It Diet" as soon as you complete your order form.

Note: Would you like to see how many recipes are included? You can find a full list of recipes in the current edition of The Easy-Does-It Diet here.

Click here for an instant download of the ebook. In just seconds your order will be approved and you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the ebook to your computer.

Even if you have never downloaded something from theInternet before, you'll discover that it's really easy to do. Just follow the simple instructions on the download page.

And by taking advantage of our instant download feature, you will also enjoy these benefits:

No shipping costs
No waiting for the mail - get instant access

You can order now, even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!

P.S. Remember, your order is fully guaranteed. You have 8 weeks to try out the system and discover for yourself if you enjoy filling your freezer with delicious home-cooked diet meals, and saving money, too.

If you are dissatisfied for any reason, just let me know before the 8 weeks is up and you will receive a prompt refund. The ebook is yours to keep, no matter what.

I wish you the best of health,

Click Here to Order Safely
And Start Saving Money (and Losing Weight) Today

Your comments and suggestions would be very helpful to our visitors. Please send your review by using our contact form.

Contact the Author

To see table of contents of the Easy Does It Diet, click here.

© 2003 - 2008 Jonni Good
Published by Wet Cat eBooks
1311 V Ave
La Grande, OR 97850

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Create Your Own Delicious,
Easy Frozen Diet Meals

Note: I recently revised The Easy-Does-It Diet ebook and added many more recipes. You can find a full list of recipes in the current edition here.

"Your methods are easy and they make sense..."

I just had to write to tell you about how I'm enjoying your wonderful book.

I have had it for about two weeks now and my freezer is stocked. Your methods are easy and they make sense. Discovering the microwave heating times is the only difficult part, and that's not really that difficult! The recipes I've tried are delicious and I've had success with my own recipes as well. I was afraid I would be limited in menus, but the only limitation is when I stop cooking, which will be a long time from now.

Thank you again for the great book. I've been telling anyone that will listen to me about it.


"I’m looking and feeling better.."

I am writing to thank you for the Easy Does It Diet book. A few years ago, I studied abroad in Brittany, France. Although I ate a lot of foods, often with rich ingredients like butter or cream, I lost weight. This was always a mystery before I learned about white flour and sugar. Once back in the US, with tempting processed foods, I began to gain weight. Moreover, I felt worse. With the help of your cookbook and a better understanding of healthy fats and wholesome grains, I’m looking and feeling better.

(PS. If you want to use my comments on the website, please only use my first name.)


"It's really easy!"

Thanks!! I would think that anybody and everybody could and should use this in their weight-loss attempts. I love that you've made everything SO EASY! That's the biggest thing most people want today! It also helps us get rid of our food addictions in an easier way. That's another biggie! Great idea, great writing, great recipes.....great book! Great Job!!


"I finally found a weight loss program that is easy to follow."

I love your book! I made my first batch of recipes and they're delicious. I finally found a weight loss program that is easy to follow, healthy and not expensive. I found your book by accident while surfing the internet on whole foods diets and I'm glad I did. I'm so busy with very little time to cook, but I woke up so happy the night after preparing mmy recipes because I knew I had healthy and good tasting food to eat all week and more. What a relief. So when my students offered me the usual high calorie sugar ladened snacks and other foods, I was able to politely decline as I now had my own food to eat. Keep up; the good work!


"Successful plan with complete instructions on how to succeed."

There is one area of my life that I am not frugal in, but have never felt I had a choice - dieting. That changed when I stumbled upon the ebook Easy Does it Diet written by Jonni Good.

In the past I have had dieting success when I purchased the pre-packaged diet meals and eaten them for luch and dinner. The problem with that system is the cost. If you have ever shopped for lean Cuisine® or Weight Watcher® meals, you know what i am talking about - they are very expensive considering how little food you are actually getting.

I now have a new dieting solution, thanks to the Easy Does it Diet.

Upon reading this book I discovered that the Easy Does It Diet is so much more than a list of recipes and foods to say no to. It is a well thought out, successful plan with complete instructions on how to succeed.

In addition, it is written in a very easy to read style that was extremely enjoyable. Best of all, it uses one of my all time favorite cooking techniques - once a month cooking.

~Review by Candace Anderson,

Hi Jonnie,

Thanks for writing The Easy-Does-It Diet.

After freezing lunches for over 3 years, I was looking for some variety, and your book is exactly what I was looking for.

I enjoyed reading the introduction and can’t wait to try some of the recipes.

Here’s an idea that makes eating the lunches much more enjoyable – make the meals upside down; with all of the meat and colorful vegetables on the bottom of the container,

Then, before placing the meal in the Microwave, remove the lid and place the container upside-down on a microwave safe plate.

In the Microwave, the container traps the steam, to heat the rice and vegetables. Then, lift off the container and eat the meal from a real plate.

The vegetables and rice are nicely steamed and the presentation is much nicer than my friends’ eating out of their plastic containers.

Thanks, again, for all the great recipes.


View the original article here

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