Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Burrito Diet.

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of being fat?

That’s exactly the way I felt…for the better part of my life.

As the President and CEO of a successful consulting company, I juggle fatherhood with a rewarding but stressful executive career.

I was 32 years old and weighed 300 pounds. I couldn’t do anything without losing my breath.

I was growing out of my clothes…again.

I was tired all of the time, no matter how much I slept.

I was sick of my wife telling me that I needed to do something about my weight.

I am one of those lifelong dieters who can truly say I’ve tried them all. I’ve done everything from low fat to low cal to no carbs. I’ve been lost in the Zone and I’ve been burned on South Beach. I’ve Slim-Fasted and had a Body for Life, which I ultimately lost. I’ve counted, cleansed and starved my way to failure. And yet I kept experimenting with every new trend and all of the fad diets because I always thought it was just a matter of landing on the right diet for my fat fortunes to change.

Every diet I tried left me feeling hungry and frustrated.

Every “fat burner” I took never burned any fat…just my hard-earned dollars!

I had an infinite amount of excuses for why I couldn’t lose weight.

Then one evening my whole world came crumbling down.

There I was, sitting in the emergency room, my chest tightening by the minute, gasping for breath. Tears filled my eyes as I began to wonder if I would ever see my son again.

That night, after countless diagnostic tests and getting pricked and poked by an endless stream of doctors, I learned I had developed adult-onset asthma, high cholesterol and sleep apnea.

I remember lying in my hospital bed, under cold white sheets, staring up at the ceiling, quietly weeping at my predicament. The pulmonologist walked into the hospital room, stared at me with caring eyes, and laid it out for me quite clearly:

“Matt, all of the issues that you are experiencing are related to your weight. If you would lose weight, all of your symptoms would lessen or go away altogether. You are only 32 years old, and you need to be there for your wife and son — please lose some weight now.”

The message was received loud and clear. But I needed to find a diet that worked with my hectic lifestyle – I was living in a hotel four nights a week and I was working twelve hour days. Was it possible to lose weight while being on-the-go?

Then it happened – the one day that would change my life forever.

My wife quietly placed a plate on the table and said “Try this…this is how you are going to lose weight.”

I gave her a funny look and said, “A burrito? I eat these all of the time. That’s how I got this way!”

“Trust me,” she said confidently. “This is like nothing you’ve had before.”

As always, my wife was right! This burrito tasted amazing! And…it was healthy!

And three hours later I still felt full – what had she done to me?!

Turns out that what she had done was give me the keys to transform myself from chunk to hunk!

There is an age-old equation for losing weight that sounds easier than it really is…

Weight Loss = Calories Out > Calories In

So you have two choices if you want to lose weight…increase the amount of calories you burn (the “calories out”) or decrease the amount of calories you consume (the “calories in”).

The problem is most diets left me struggling with the same problems other dieters did when trying to reduce the “calories in”.

Reduced portion sizes left me feeling hungry and wanting more food!

Too much counting and cooking was not realistic for my fast-paced life – I needed a diet that was easy to do and didn’t require me to be a gourmet chef!

I grew tired of diets that spend all of their time telling me what I can’t have instead of telling me what I can have.

You probably won’t see any other diet author admit this ANYWHERE…but it is the TRUTH!


Have I finally lost my mind?! Or am I just a poor salesman???

No, seriously, it is true. That is because, by definition, a “diet” is “a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight”, according to Merriam-Webster.

So essentially a “diet” creates a “calorie deficit” meaning that you will be taking in less calories than your body needs, and you will lose weight! Sounds simple, right?

Well, let’s take a look at how other “diets” achieve this calorie deficit:

Some require you to eat their pre-packaged food. The portion sizes are tiny, the taste is awful and the price is ridiculous!Other diets require you to count, assigning point values to foods based on their composition. But…you can eat fifteen bags of microwave popcorn and be within your prescribed points for the day! What kind of diet is that?!Yet other diets require elaborate food preparation that is impossible for people with a hectic lifestyle such as mine (and yours!)There are diets that replace your solid food meals with drinks and snack bars. This is a sound strategy for supplementing your diet, but should NOT be the sole BASIS of the diet!Finally there are the fad diets that overemphasize one particular food or type of food, and are impossible to maintain – seriously do you think you can eat cabbage soup or grapefruit for months?

In short, NO!

Burritos are very versatile and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and they can contain any number of fun and healthy ingredients, ranging from the familiar Mexican burrito to breakfast burritos filled with high-protein eggs to Chinese, Thai or even Italian burritos.

Believe it or not, burritos are the perfect way to get a great fat-burning meal, they are satisfying, you can prepare them in an endless number of ways, and they are easy to hold, too! They are the perfect “fast food” meal.

The best part about The Burrito Diet is that it carefully manages portion control SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO! This insures you will not eat more than you should at any one meal. Portion control is easily achieved by the size of the tortilla itself! No scales needed. If your burrito is over-stuffed, you cannot fold it properly or eat it without the contents spilling all over the place. Eating your meals wrapped in a tortilla will teach you proper portion control quickly and easily.

And it’s not all burritos – I’ll also show you how to eat ALL of your favorite foods and STILL lose weight. That’s right, your diet will INCLUDE…

PastaPizzaBurgers and friesIce cream, shakes and your favorite desserts!

Listen, I am not a big “conspiracy theory” guy, but let’s just say I have no agendas, I am not funded by any research grants and I do not have any conflict of interests when it comes to you getting healthy! If you lose weight and get healthy and learn to eat the right way on your own I do not have a dime taken out of my pocket!

Not to mention all of the “doctor endorsed” products for weight loss out there that simply don’t work or, even worse, are DANGEROUS! We just saw this when a doctor-endorsed “fat burner supplement” was pulled off the shelves by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration because of the dangers associated with prolonged use.

So I took matters into my own hands, and did the research myself! I spent countless hours reading research journals (in what little spare time I had) and books written by people that I held in high regard. I was my own “guinea pig” – experimenting with different things to find out what worked and what didn’t. So in The Burrito Diet, I will share with you EVERYTHING I learned, including:

The Secret Ingredients that Will Leave You Feeling Satisfied and Conquer Hunger Once and For AllFinally, The Truth About High Fructose Corn SyrupThe Best Day of the Week to Start a Diet…and the WorstThe Hidden Dangers at the Supermarket, and How to Avoid Them CompletelyThe Simple Tip to Managing Your CravingsYour Biggest Obstacle to Weight Loss and Why You Have Not Been Able to Get Past It (You’ll Be Shocked)My Personal Favorite Foods that Have Been Proven to Burn Fat and the Shortcuts That Will Make Your Food Taste UnbelievableThe Final Verdict on Carbs – I’ve Cut Through All of the Crap to Give You a Straight AnswerThe One Simple Thing That Can Sabotage Your Fat Loss Efforts No Matter How Hard You Try…and How to Eliminate It CompletelyAnd much, much more!

View the original article here

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